Local $iPID = Run('C:\Windows\System32\cmd', '', THIS OPENS THE CONSOLE.!!! I was thinking of something similar to this: Local $password_scape = Scape_Word_To_MSDOS($password)ĬonsoleWrite('' & & $password_scape & ']' & would like to be able to write a script to send commands to the console for creation of Gstreamer pipelines.
If $iSearch >= 0 Then $var = $aCharacters $iSearch = _ArraySearch($aCharacters, $var) Local $iSize = UBound($var, $UBOUND_ROWS) - 1 $var = StringSplit($var, '', $STR_NOCOUNT) Global $G_AIX_DEFAULT_PASSWORD = '******' I buid this function, sometimes run ok, others show error.
The password is write between double cotes too. exe with parameters, one this parameters is a password with special characters like: \ ' etc.